
Jun 21, 2010

I'm up. Now what?

Breakfast for me has always been my FAVOURITE meal of the day. As a kid I'd tuck into cereal or toast with vegemite. In high school I went through a banana smoothie phase where I couldn't seem to get enough. Travelling overseas I looked forward to food regardless of what it was! And now my tastes are changing again.

When I first went RAW I was eating fruit of course. I'd have a few pieces cut up like a fruit salad. Then as my stomach got used to it I found I could eat alot more. And further on I grew accustomed to a MONO meal of fruit for breakfast, finding this easier on my digestion first thing. And with that, brekkie was more often that not 8 or 9 bananas straight up, half a red papaya, or 3-4 mangoes in Summer (Oh my God the memories...DROOL). Then I got hooked on throwing bananas in the blender and adding a bunch of yummy things to BOOST me up ready for the day!

Most recently I've been having juice - GREEN JUICE. I've spoken about the benefits of JUICING here before so I wont go into it again, but I will say that over time our tastes change as do our emotions, circumstances, schedules, and the weather.

And so here we are now in Winter down under in the Southern Hemishpere, and each morning I find myself struggling to decide what I feel like. For whatever reasons they might be, I'm finding that of late I'm not hungry for my usual favourite meal of the day!

However, I wanted to suggest a bunch of ideas that I like to have for brekkie as a RAW-ie to add some inspiration to your day, and some excitement to your next breakfast! Some of my fav's are:

Raw buckwheat or oat groat porridge with all my favourites mixed in and added ontop for an easy filling comfort-food-winter nomnom.

or a quick "run-out-the-door" version, and one for later on

A quick and easy miso soup with some seaweed. Great on the mornings I've gotta be up real early, out the door pretty quick, and it's FREEZING.

Banana bowls... ...or a variation of them

Superfood smoothies

Nut milk Smoothies - this one is with cacao and bananas

Or just plain simple tasty nut milk...

...which would be great alongside some raw bread with nut butters or tahini

Another tasty treat (if advance preparation has been thought of and done of course) is gRAWnola

so so good :) crunchy. chewy. like toasted muesli. a good jaw workout this one

And for those special occasions...

Blueberry Flax pancakes drizzled with agave

Cardamon Flaxjacks with fresh fruit

What's your favourite breakfast yumminess?


  1. great post, breakfast is my favorite meal of the day too! i don't care if i have "breakfast food" all day long! :)

    my fave is banana crepes with strawberries, blackberries and a coconut cream die for! i also love doing anything with buckwheat groats and raw oats!

  2. i have to say a smoothie is my winner as of late. been for a while hehe ;)
