
Jul 16, 2010

Finding my path

In the past when I have been in two minds about something; anything, and then made a decision either way, the whole Universe seems to work it's magic and put it all in place. And so it has happened again.

Since my last post where I wrote about CLEANSING I put the thoughts out there that I wanted to get back to my cleansing, clean eating, detoxing, FABULOUS ME that I know lives inside :) And since then I've had the greatest two days ever!

Thursdays, as you'd know, are one of my favourite days of the week. It's MARKET DAY (which I've posted about here and here)!! And although I now work all day I do get to run up and eat my lunch with Brock and Tsung, and grab myself a few goodies for the week before I jet back to work.
I begin at 730am unloading the organic fruit and veg delivery at work with Brock, and then boxing up a bunch of orders, and finishing a few hours later. I had my BIG GREEN SMOOTHIE to keep me going and then a few more bananas (best fruit ever) later on before I was done and could take my lunch break.

The sun was shining. Instant Happiness :) The SUN has alot to do with my general wellbeing. I don't like to RELY on the sun for my moods, but I immensely FEEL the difference to such a degree that I truley believe SUNSHINE is my number #1, follwed by WATER then FOOD. My top 3 essentials. Sounds crazy some say, but I know it to be true. For me.

I ran into old customers of mine from the coffee shop I used to work at and they were delighted to see me - and I them :) A bunch of middle aged men who were always a laugh. Alot of FUN having a quick chin-wag before I ran off to the markets and to sit and enjoy my lunch. I sat in the sun (of course) munching away on my BIG KALE SALAD with pumpkin and broccoli. I bought some more kale for the week, and treated myself to one mighty (yet-to-be) delicious custard apple. Can't wait to sink my spoon into that one!

The rest of work was GREAT and pretty busy at the health food shop. I got to type out NUTRITIONAL INFORMATIONAL STATS for different fruits and vegies which I got SO much EXCITEMENT out of as it tested my knowledge as well as improved it when I got stuck and had to look a few things up (thanks Google). At the end of the day I got to take some BEAUTIFUL organic biodynamic skin care products home to try - so yummy - and I was PUMPED to get home into my gym gear for my favourite class of the week (that's me uber excited yet a little cold in my short shorts, doing the mirror-photo-trick).

I've had GREAT conversations with Brock (sadly not so many face to face as we're both so busy of late but LOVING where we're both heading), I've been reading a FANTASTIC book called "Cleanse and Purify Thyself" by Richard Anderson that I can't get enough of, I've been sucked into more new blogs I've found giving me INCREDIBLE inspiration, MOTIVATION, suggestions, recipes, SUPPORT, tips and LOVE.

And today, another GREEN SMOOTHIE start to the day, a quiet morning at work, beautiful SUNSHINE, big salad for dinner and now I'm munching on a few cacao beans as I watch Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution. God love the man who's making a difference :)

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