
Feb 22, 2013

Weekend Recipe: The Eat-It-With-Your-Eyes Salad

I luuuurve a recipe that's not really a recipe -- you know the ones; start with this, add a handful of that, sprinkle some such-and-such, and top with whatever you like! No measurements, certain amounts, or weighing ingredients. It's a super easy way to make a meal, allows you to get in touch with your inner tummy to see and sense what it feels like.
Having said that; I'm still a fan of recipes and know them to be of great use and probably the best thing ever when starting to get yourself familiar in and around your kitchen -- especially with baking. Is anyone else like me here; you've got no clue about baked goods without a recipe??

Anyway this melange of a meal is from the delicious duo at Simply Raw. My bestest friends ever, the food that comes out of their kitchen is just -- well let's just say I'm happy to be rubbing shoulders with them at their place on my trips to Syd! This meal is something that's quick to prep, using basic ingredients and regular veggies so you've got no excuse to whip up something of the sort this weekend. Ladies and Gentlemen may I present you to  

The Eat-It-With-Your-Eyes Salad --

What you're gonna need:

A bunch of mixed lettuce
Sprouts (snow pea, mung bean, lentil...)
Shredded carrot
Black tahini

Olive oil
Lemon juice
Salt and pepper

Combine lettuce, sprouts, corn, carrot and tomatoes in a bowl. Add your avocado on top (I love half an avo sliced thinly) and a good tablespoon's worth of black tahini drizzled on top -- black tahini is for aesthetics predominantly, tasting the same as regular tahini.
Shake your dressing ingredients in a jar, or simply drizzle, squeeze and sprinkle one by one on top, and Voila!

Feel free to add anything extra you might like - I find this great with some tuna, a poached egg, or some beans for added protein and to keep me going a little longer. Add more sprouts otherwise as they'll do the same thing! Sit down, say thanks to the farmers, dig in and enjoy every little burst of flavour and yummy goodness your body will receive from this amazingly nutrient rich meal!

Enjoy your weekends wherever you are.
Drink quality water. Eat quality food. And smile :)

Christie xx

The Simply Raw team and Sebastien and Janine whose products come straight out of Bondi Beach in Sydney. All ingredients used in their products are 100% Certified Organic, Raw, Vegan and free from any Gluten, Dairy, Refined Sugars, Artificial Colours, Soy & GMO’s. Highly nutritious, absolutely delicious & always handmade with love!

This is important as it allows us to have peace of mind that our bodies are being fuelled with the most pure ingredients, straight from the earth.

Find Simply Raw on Facebook here
And check out their range of goodies and order online here

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