
Jun 24, 2013

Icy Melbourne to Sunny Cairns + My Fast Foodies Interview on Being The Tree of Life

Woo Hoo! Back in sunny warm Cairns after 4 amazing yet freezing cold days in Melbourne! If you follow me on twitter or facebook, or get my newsletters, you would have known I flew down last Thursday morning for 4 days of girl-fuelled wining, dining, shopping, laughing, resting, and pillow fights - yep. We had one. My sisters and our mum all went down for a surprise get-together (my older sister had no idea we would all be there). Needless to say, we had a ball. Even if we did freeze. Going from 28 degrees here to 8 degrees there when we landed... whoo!

Since getting back to Cairns after 10pm last night, exhausted but unable to fall asleep, I can say this morning has been slow. But not that delicious slow of mulling about with a cup of tea and a good book. I was not wanting to get out of bed. Not wanting to do anything. My body wanted yoga but my mind was racing with the million things I need to get done today - I won't bore you but I'm sure you've been in this place once or twice before. Getting yourself into a total tizz for no real reason. Who care's if my blog is posted later than I'd like? If I have to miss college tonight to get a bunch of things done, AND have a couple of hours to myself to really ground, mellow out a bit and bring myself back to here and now then I'll do that. My sanity (in bed with my journal, tea, choccie and candles) comes over 3hrs of solid college anyday - if it's needed.

In writing all this... only now I realise and can see that I'm already worrying about getting to college, and the stuff I might not have done by then. Instead all I should be 'worrying' about is now - and by that I mean 'not worrying'. Focusing on posting this blog. Once that's done I'll tackle that assessment. Maybe. We'll see.
For now it's blogging and lunching. College is later so who knows what will happen later...

Do you have days or moments like this?

This is a total un-planned ramble Monday post if you hadn't already cotton-ed on.

Moving along... I'm going to be editing a few happy snaps from my Melbs trip for some inspiring picture blogging post coming to you on Wednesday, but in the mean time, you can check out my interview with the gorgeous Carlee Modra from Being The Tree of Life.

Carlee is a Holistic Wellness Coach, a Naturopath in training and absolutely passionate about, Health, Wellness and Spirituality, and she asked me all about my life surrounding these things.

Find out:

+ what wellness means to me

+ what kick started my journey

+ my vital non-negotiables to a life of wellness

+ the big turning points

+ my can't-live-without superfood

+ a huge food myth I'm dispelling

Have a read over at Carlee's blog here

And comment below with what you think! I'd love to know :)

Christie xx

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