
Jul 30, 2013

A Chilly Tuesday in Sydney

It's Tuesday morning here in chilly Sydney - yes that's right, I'm in Sydney - but I'm managing to stay warm with the heater on at dad's place, my step mothers wool sweater on, the spare slippers on my feet (yep they've got them for when we come to stay), and both nettle tea and Nespresso next to me.

I've flown down for the P!nk concert (which is on tonight and I am super duper excited - pics will be in my newsletter this Friday and no doubt all over InstagramTwitter and Facebook) but I always extend a Sydney trip a few extra days to see friends, family, and jet all town visiting, seeing and eating my way through all my favourite spots. So allow me to relive my past few days with you...

+ French Forest Markets; every Sunday this has to be my all-time favourite markets ever! Loads of people always go making this a bustling morning (or midday trip) amongst friends and loved ones. And by loved ones I mean green juices and smoothies, wood smoked salmon steaks, organic produce, superfoods and herbs, tea and coffees, fresh artisan breads, books, music, crystals and so so much more.

Photo from here
+ Bondi; usually to see my best friends and owners/creators/crazy-amazing-business-peeps of Simply Raw bars, but as we couldn't tee up a proper long catch up this time, I sneakily dropped by, buzzed their door, and ran in for hugs and kisses before having to race off again. I also met a girlfriend for takeaway lunch from The Suv(eran), spent the following 90 minutes sitting in pure warm sunshine by the lake at Centennial Park munching away and chatting about life and lessons, before a Bondi walk with Mel (from Path to Wellness), and a look-see at our country's most famous beach. Bliss.

+ Home; this was always mum's place and the home I grew up in for over 20 years, but now it's a new home as mum has moved to warmer sea breezes in the Sunny Coast, and Dad, once in chilly beautiful Bowral, is back in Sydney with my step-mum. So they are in a new place also. There has been a lot of moving in my family but wherever we are, if we are together, it's all good. Having a place to stay, sleeping in big cozy doonas, lazying on the lounge or out in the sun, getting cuddles, eating amazing food, and being surrounded by loved one's makes my life worthwhile.

That's my set-up this morning - not bad hey?

+ Crows Nest; Ingredients For Health (my old beloved job) and Taste Organics (where any new amazing product will definitely be found - like Botanical Cuisine's delicious goodies), as well as bumping into old faces, feel-good cafes, chilling on the grass with friends and new babies, chasing the magpies and thus getting shat on - yes it happened to me. But it's good luck isn't it?

+ Run arounds; always exhilarating! I get such a thrill from knowing I've gotta go here, then there, then over there to see friends, buy things, eat things, or whatever it may be, in and around Sydney. But my sister's zippy little car with an amazing sound system, I have to admit, it a huge part of the thrills for me. Singing, wind in my hair, high on life... I'm sure some of you can relate to this strange little pleasure of mine. Cairns is loads quieter and calmer (and our car stereo is crappola) so the difference is obvious and FUN!
Ducking in for hellos with my yoga teacher, dropping by elsewhere to buy a brand new fancy-pants yoga ma (I am soooo excited to get down and do my dog people!!), tea in the sun with my cousin here, catch up with girls there, loads of chatting, laughing, seeing friends with gorgeous little babies (ooh is it getting to that time already..?), totally lapping up this sunshine, hello, is this not amazingly gorgeous here right now?

So a trip to Sydney town is always loaded with fun, good food, friends, family, and sunshine. The way life is meant to be. And I'm grateful to be living life the way I love too.

Christie xx

Jul 25, 2013

NOURISH: Coconut Cream Love Bites

So coconut oil, coconut flesh, coconut water, coconut flakes, coconut shreds, coconut milk, coconut fibre, and now we have creamed coconut. Yes I said it. It's thick. It's creamy. It's rich and has the most wonderful aroma. B and I nearly ate the whole tub with our spoons (not in one go just so you know) before we had to stop just so I could try this recipe I had going in my head. So here it is --

Coconut Cream Love Bites

Nuilife Creamed coconut (they are the only brand I know of that does it)
Loving Earth Buckinis (or any other crunchy, chewy, colourful addition you like)

+ Melt down creamed coconut over a double boiler, or in a metal bowl over a saucepan of hot water (do not melt it straight up in a pan or you will burn it just like I did)

+ Add your buckinis to whatever moulds you have - love hearts in my case but you might have small containers, ice cube trays, chocolate moulds, whatever goes here.

+ Then pour in your melted coconut and fill each mould.

Chill in the fridge or freezer and serve with your fav cuppa tea!

Christie xx 

Want more in my weekly newsletter? Grab it here!

* FYI; no affiliate links here people - unfortunately ;)

Jul 23, 2013

MY 7 TIPS TO HELP YOU SAIL THROUGH FATIGUE AND EXHAUSTION (with ease and grace, not in storms and swell)

I gotta say, with not alotta excitement here, that it seems to me almost everyone is either in the midst of adrenal fatigue, on the train stopping nowhere but adrenal fatigue station, knows someone who is already there and having no fun, or has been there themselves... but no-one is talking about it. This is not so cool in my books. Why is this so common these days? I can answer that too - stress, work demands, family life, women-who-give-all, putting others first - all the time, more pollution, more chemicals, more food intolerances, more allergies, more pressure to do/be/have, the list goes on...

Jul 18, 2013

NOURISH: Cashew Basil Pesto

Ooh the aroma of fresh basil leaves in the kitchen after coming home from the local market. I think of nothing else but home made pesto - which sh*ts on store bought stuff every time. So if you've never made your own, I'm sorry to say it, but you're missing out. I mean really missing out. I initially wanted to try this with macadamia nuts but couldn't get any the day I was busting to get this into my belly, so cashew nuts were called to fill in.

3 cups tightly-packed basil leaves
2 cups cashew nuts (raw)
6 Tbsp olive oil
1/2 tsp salt
1 clove garlic

Blend in a food processor or a vitamix until it's as smooth or as chunky as you like. Add more oil if you like it runny - I like mine chunky.

Serve with crackers, on toast, through your salad, with fish, or any other way you please.


Christie xx

Want more recipes plus extra goodies that you wont find on the blog? Then make sure you're getting the weekly newsletter! Out this Friday! Get it here

Jul 16, 2013

REVIEW: My Health and Where to From Here

Its been a while since I posted about how my health has been, as last year I took you all through my journey of getting off raw foods, healing adrenal fatigue, exhaustion, and all the way continuing to heal my skin. Well in amongst all that I also always had gut issues, but have to say, the majority of my time on raw food I had none. It was only towards the end of my 100% raw days (after which my body had sufficiently detoxed and cleansed and was over due for rebuilding, and thus going down hill - fast - in my opinion; in hindsight) that my gut started playing up again. I say again, because it all began in primary school when I was diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Since I lasted posted about my fatigue and how I was feeling, I have had 2 months off to rest in Thailand, and continue trying new things to get my body back to where it functions optimally. I've just begun seeing a new Naturopath that I work with here in Cairns and now have a new plan to follow; hopefully healing my gut issues once and for all, beginning the cascade effect to heal the rest.

We're beginning with the gut as that's where all my issues stem from. Beginning with a few diet changes and supplements, we're going to heal the gut lining. Then we can reintroduce the good bacteria. Then do a parasite cleanse, a candida cleanse, and with other supplements continue to seal and heal, restoring my gut to its former glory. You might see it strange as this is in part what I have always been doing which is true. But I've been missing small pieces to my puzzle and in forever learning more and trying more, not everything that sounds miraculous is miraculous. And as I've learnt, some wonder changes for some are useless (or worse) for others.

Once I've healed my gut (which could take who knows how long), my liver will next on the list - poor guy isn't working optimally so detoxification and hormone issues are getting muddled up or not getting done. Both my gut and liver issues will also impact my adrenals and thyroid; both of which have been under functioning quite severely. Once we've done that, my skin, nervous system and adrenals are to follow.

My Diet Changes -

+ Vegetables are my staple; mainly cooked ones as these seem to settle in my tummy better, but a salad each day is still a vibrant, alive mix of colour and life, and they are also becoming easier to digest.

+ Loving organic ghee!
Oof it costs a bomb in comparison to organic butter but the taste is out of this world! And it's been used in Ayruvedic medicine for both gut and skin issues forever. Purely Twins (who were one of my Sisters interviews here) also enjoy ghee to heal their gut and skin issues. I always use this to cook with, and love a spoonful ontop of hot veggies as well.

+ Eating red meat, chicken, and seafood, as well as getting back on my bone broth.
This may surprise a few of you as I haven't mentioned this on my blog before. From my Hair Mineral Analysis, my body needed protein. And more zinc, less copper (which means animal foods). Specifically animal protein. But my stomach acid wasn't ready for it so we had to look at that at the same time (see Supplements below). Fish is my preferred animal protein food and I eat tuna or salmon most days. Chicken and red meat might be seen on my plate once a week; twice tops, sometimes never. Partly due to my body not needing it every day, and partly due to me not knowing how to cook it (vego here for 15 years). I feel great drinking bone broth and this is easier for my tummy than meat anyway. But when I do eat chicken or red meat, I seem to have no digestive upsets (bloating, cramps, wind, etc) and I feel better the following day. Yes the whole meat thing was initially hard to look at, but as I felt my body was becoming more open to trying meat again, it seemed less and less daunting, almost easy. There were still tears, and me having to look at the reasons I was choosing to do this, but so far I'm doing ok.

+ No more fermented foods;
I'm not gonna lie. This has upset me. Kombucha is my favourite thing in the world, and B's saurekraut is pretty darn good too. Fermented foods are great for gut health, but in my case, my gut is so wounded and sore that it first needs to be patched up before any happy friends can come and play.

+ Superfoods more;
I went through a period where I wasn't really feeling like any of these, and through Thailand I only took a green powder blend. But more recently I'm loving acai in particular, but also maca, lucuma, and spirulina. Acai and spirulina give me the most energy and clarity in my head. Maca seems to calm me and make me feel settled.

My Supplement Changes -

For the past few months I have been taking:

+ 2012 Probiotic
+ Vitamin C liquid
+ Glutathione liquid
+ Digestive enzymes + gentian root + HCl

On seeing my Naturopath up here in Cairns, these have all been put on hold. I've got different enzymes as the ones I was taking were not helping my gut. And the vitamin C and glutathione liquids are probably going in one end and out the other as my gut lining is not doing it's job, so we'll save them for later.
In the meantime I am now taking these guys:

+ Apple cider vinegar;
taken before meals to stimulate production of stomach acid (which is pretty much non-existant in me) and get my digestion going - it's working wonders!
+ Digestive enzymes;
taken with meals - again; wonderful!
+ Nettle tea;
3 cups every day to nourish from top to toe - I find I crave this
+ Liquid herbal mix;
to support my nervous system. This isn't the main focus right now but as my body is running on empty, we needed to start with this as well, but will dive in deeper with my nervous system down the track after Ive healed my gut - horrible as most liquid herbs but I know they are doing me well

Other Changes -

+ Regular lymphatic drainage facials; I've just started doing this again, and I'm only going once a month, maybe twice, for financial reasons. If I could I'd be there every week. It makes a huge difference to my skin.

+ Self love practices; facials, yoga, reading in bed, meditation, body brushing, cafe + book dates, girlfriend catch ups, travel to see family and friends. These all nourish my soul, my body, my mind, my spirit. I feel rested and relaxed when I do these, and more recently I have felt, seen and noticed the difference in my moods, energy levels, and self love when I do or do not do these. Much happier Christie when I do :)

+ Not exercising; this has probably been the hardest to come to terms with and to be honest I only really did last week after reading a blog post by Amanda Daley here. Always an exercise fan (runner, netball, rowing, weights classes, cardio classes, bike riding, yoga, pilates), I've still tried to do something active everyday. At least a walk you know? Well I can now see why sometimes a walk is even too much for me. From my place to the end of our street is about 200 metres, and on some occasions, I'm wrecked after doing that. On other days, I have felt super strong and powerful and decided to go for a run - and felt amazing afterwards (endorphins right?), only to be wiped out for the rest of the week. And then beating myself up and being quite upset that I still don't have enough yet energy to do yoga or go for a walk everyday. I'm coming to terms with it's ok to not exercise. For now. Until whenever feels right. We all do it as we believe we need too for our health. But do we really? I'm not saying yes or no. But I am saying that if a 10 minute slow walk wipes me out, perhaps I shouldn't be doing it.

+ Yoga; I wish I could do a daily practice but my body and it's energy levels are so up and down I struggle with consistency. Some days I'll do 45 minutes, but some days it's none. When I can manage it though, I love it, my body loves it, and I walk off my mat centred, energised, happier and feeling lighter on my toes.

+ Gratitude journalling; I try to do this every evening but let's face it, I don't always. When I do though I am filled with gratitude (obviously) but also joy and happiness looking back at all the wonderful things I am blessed to have in my life and it does light me up.

+ Coaching calls working on my "mean girl" ego, my fears, beliefs and more. I'm still working through them all bit by bit and it's bloody hard at times but it's all worth it. So I've been told ;)

+ No more coffee enemas; potentially; I'm still debating this one. For all things liver it's been going great guns, and I have to say since stopping these last week, there have been more than one occasion I have felt a little nauseous, and I'm putting it down to my liver trying to clean up everything else going on, and perhaps it's not performing at it's best. That's my instinct and it does make logical sense - in my case. I've had my current naturopath tell me that the coffee will be aggravating my bowels. Ok. So I stopped. But the nausea. I spoke to my lecturer (who has been in natural health for over 50years) and she disagrees - in my case. As does my naturopath in Sydney. Please note this is not a blanket statement. There is definitely times/people/cases where coffee enemas WILL aggravate your bowel. This is just another conflicting theory that I've got to sort out myself... unless you know more than me and can shoot me some info, I'm all ears :)

How I am feeling

+ More energy; generally speaking. Today; not. Some days plenty more, other days I feel like I've gone backwards. Two steps forward one step back right? But to rate my average energy out of 10... I'd say a 5.5. Maybe a 6.

+ Clearer skin; I'm so happier that I can actually see clearer skin. However this week one side of my face has been less than pretty. I'm wondering whether this is part of my healing crisis (will speak more on this next week), a monthly stage of elimination, or something else not being so happy. Having said that, on the whole, it's better. I do have very healthy beautiful vibrant skin in, under, and around my acne which I put down to my lifestyle. It's just the acne I have to let go of.
So be it from lymphatic drainage facials, exfoliation, coffee enemas I was doing (not anymore), green juices, vitamins, things starting to work better again, more self love and believing that I can have clear skin... who knows! It's clearer and that's all that matters :)

+ I feel like I'm functioning! Having said that I've had super whacked out week and could've said I'm totally not functioning and I've turned into a crazy person. So maybe again, two steps forward, one step back.

+ Sleeping better; I never set my alarm anymore unless I've got work that day. So if I need extra sleep I get it. Some days I plonk myself in bed late arvo for a half hour snooze if I'm feeling like keeling over and these also make a huge difference. I have also been feeling more well rested on the whole (although not this past week); I always slept well (sometimes 10hrs a night at my worst) but still woke up feeling like I crawl back into bed. Less and less like this which feels awesome!

+ Digesting foods way better; way less bloating, next to no cramping pain, regular bowel movements... This is HUGE for me and I've had this on and off since I was 7yrs old. I cannot explain the joy from eating a meal and not getting bloated. Wow. Wow Wow Wow!


If anything this has all taught me how adrenal fatigue is way more complicated than we all think, can be brought upon by some many different factors (or a whopper combination) and that recovery is slow and steady. Really slow and steady. But if I mess things up now, I'll only go backwards. And no doubt much faster than I initially did. At times, for sure without a doubt it can feel like the hardest thing ever - having no motivation, energy, get-up-and-go, oomf, or burst of joy filled happiness like I used to feel everyday. The restoration process is different for everyone; routine has to go out the window for some, for others they need it. And ever facet of healing is the same.

So next time I'm feeling like superwoman I'm going to high five my angels and thank everyone around me for being so wonderful. And perhaps go get a sh*tload of blogging done instead of believing a run will do me good.

Christie xx

PS. Want more on my healing journey, nutrition know how, food for thought, recipes and first-to-know competitions? Sign up for the newsletter here

Jul 12, 2013

Sisterhood Health + Wellness -- Janelle Twine + Chili Maca Chocolate Avocado Pie Recipe

Happy Friday beautiful! This is the last Sister I have in our Sisterhood Health + Wellness series, and after this, your 3x weekly blog posts will be changing to 2x weekly posts, as my college workload is increasing and increasing, and I don't want to feel too snowed in with everything I've got going on. So instead of Mon/Wed/Fri posts, you'll be getting Tues and Thurs posts, each and every week. The Nutrition Notes Newsletter will still be delivered to your inboxes each Friday so be sure to sign up here if you haven't already coz extra goodies are always in there!

But without further rambling... today's Sister is...

Janelle Twine ~ Cairns, Australia ~ Naturopath & Primary School Teacher ~ 29 years young

Why do you do what you do?

I want people to gain more empowerment with food – get back to an understanding of what food really is. Whole foods that is! Allow them to realize that healthy food IS delicious with the bonus of being nutritious. Better kids lunch boxes (& also our own as adults) to improve behaviour & also wellbeing is another focus of mine.

Why did you start your blog and biz?

To encourage people to eat whole foods again and begin establishing a better foundation of health based on an awareness of whole foods. I started my business with 3 key concepts:
Encourage a more plant based diet from seeds
Encourage others to plant seeds in their own garden to enjoy home grown produce, &
To plant seeds of knowledge to allow others to take the required knowledge & plant it when the time is right for them
I have always had a passion for health and it simply felt right to spread my knowledge with others in the hope that they feel inspired to make the changes necessary for them. Everyone is on their own journey and I feel it is important that seeds of health be planted along the way.

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up, and the last thing you do before bed?

Get into nature & exercising in some way…either a bushwalk, or simply a walk through the cane fields I back on to, or swimming squad or a run with friends on the esplanade. Sometimes I’m lucky to have the time to enjoy a lazy breakfast with friends following this.

The last thing I do before bed is either read a book (even if it is only a page or two) to get a beautiful new thought, concept or piece of knowledge into my mind before sleep, or perhaps listen to a meditation or check out the stars in the sky from my front steps. I may also enjoy looking back over my day & feeling grateful for all that happened.

How do you make sure you’re looking after YOU?

Ensure I’ve ordered my organic fruit & veg box for the week to allow my fridge to be packed with greens & goodness to make fresh juices, smoothies and salads. I love my fresh juices each morning!

I always try and plan some exercise with friends during the week, or on the weekend. Some things I love to do include a hike up Glacier Rock or the Barron Gorge before work, swimming training with a great crew, heading down to a local creek for a swim or a kayak down the Mulgrave. All of these allow me to get into nature at the same time as catching up with good friends. I do also really love doing yoga of a morning overlooking the cane fields & mountains but I’m just trying to find my routine again with that.

It’s important to me to have at least one day off on the weekend to recharge completely & step away from technology. Camping is one of my favourite things to do. It allows a true connection with nature – listening to the sounds in the bush & waking up amongst the trees or beside a creek.

Treating myself to a massage or facial every few months is also delightful.

Favourite place on earth and why?

I really love the top of Davies Creek – a waterfall up here. It over looks an amazing escarpment of the tablelands & is delightful for swimming and drinking coconuts. I feel so at peace in this type of bush with water running past me or over me.
I also really love a place I have been to in Papua New Guinea called Siu. It is a little village by the ocean where the locals grow delicious produce in their gardens and sell it at the local market. They have a strong connection with family and community and are so self sufficient. There is fantastic snorkeling right off the beach and little huts to stay in. The coconuts are endless and the sunsets amazing. It is not uncommon to see silhouettes of village people in their dug out canoes against the sun and hear them singing as they make their way either to the market or home.

5 things you’re grateful for right now?

+ My beautiful friends
+ My new house beside the cane paddocks with a view of mountains and open sky
+ The stars that I can see from my back steps every night
+ Living in Cairns so close to many creeks
+ Raw cake recipes!

What’s your food philosophy?

My food philosophy is one of organic, local and as close to nature as possible. I believe our body has its own intelligence to heal when given the opportunity. There is no need for anything in a packet – nature has given us all that we need. I love reading through recipe books and exploring raw delights. I don’t mind the odd piece of fish from a sustainable local fishing boat. I do appreciate eggs and feel best when eating wheat free, dairy free and sugar free. I feel that our health not only stems from good nutrition but also a balance of sunshine, good water and some time spent doing things we love or spending time with those we love.

You feel most yourself when…

I’m in nature exercising & having fantastic conversations with friends. An element of water needs to be present – whether that be a creek, the ocean, a river, rain or just a good old sprinkler!

Who inspires you most?

People who follow their hearts doing what they love and those who live as sustainably and self sufficiently as possible.

Favourite quote?

"The most common way people give away their power is by thinking they don’t have any."

Recipe to share…

Chili Maca Chocolate Avocado Pie

1 ½ cups sunflower seeds
5 pitted dates
A pinch of sea salt
In a food processor blend the sunflower seeds with the dates and the sea salt until a paste forms.
Press the mixture into a spring form cake pan and set aside.

3 medium ripe avocados
1 cup cacao powder
½ cup coconut oil, melted.
¾ cup agave
½ tsp chilli powder
A pinch of salt
1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
1tspn maca

In a food processor blend the avocados until smooth making sure there are no lumps.
Add the remaining ingredients and continue to blend until combined and smooth.
Place the filling inside the cake pan and refrigerate for 2 to 3 hours.
This is really nice with fresh strawberries on top. 

Janelle is a seasoned traveller having spent time in India, PNG, Nepal, Fiji, and Canada living with native Indians, as well as all throughout Australia, living in Mackay, Brisbane, Perth and now Cairns. An outdoor nature lover at heart, Janelle enjoys hiking, camping, and making delicious raw treats.

She can be found online at:

Jul 10, 2013


I get it. I'm female too. The promises of no fine lines, plumper cheeks, pigmentation reduction, acne be-gone, luminous skin, the list goes on. This is what good marketing teams do so well, so good on them right. Put that new (chemical laden) product on A Current Affair, and it's sold off all shelves around the country by noon the following day.

But I'm not here to outline all the crappy nasties in certain products out there. What I am going to get into detail about is what skin care brand you use on your face actually has little* to do with how your face looks.

Jul 8, 2013

What's Rocking My World Right Now

Happy Monday morning to you! I hope you had a super fab weekend. Mine was full of study and writing blog posts and I am so grateful I had an entire weekend to myself to do so much!

So continuing on with my gratitude I wanted to share a few things that I am loving at the moment...

+ Amazonia Acai Frozen sachets

Energy all day everyday? Yes please. Acai to the rescue. I love the frozen sachets in the blender with loads of other goodies, then slopped into a big bowl and topped with more delicious goodies. Eat this daily for two weeks and you're sure to notice the difference in your energy levels.

+ Yoga on DVD

Hello my love. I'm sorry I left you for so long. But now I'm back and happier than ever to see you every (other) day. Let's not part again for so long :)

+ Digging deeper down my health issues

Sounds ironic doesn't it? And yes, at times it does feel like s sh*t fight. But this is perhaps the reason I decided to become a practitioner; I love digging and finding out the root causes of issues so I can help people. I get a buzz out of figuring it all out. Probs the same reason I love maths. I have gratitude for all my issues as without them, I may have never realised this little passion of mine.

+ Coffee enemas

You've no doubt read about these somewhere; I know Jess Ainscough from The Wellness Warrior is a huge fan. I've been doing these on and off for a few years, and during my Thailand trip, of course I did none, so to get back home and get back into them again, I am one happy lady :)

+ Bone broth

For the same reasons as above; I didn't have it for months and now I'm back guzzling the stuff, healing my gut, eliminating my knee pain, and filling my body with minerals and good fats galore! Read more about why I think it's freakin' amazing here

+ Clinic hours at college

Oh Lordy this is what I have been waiting for! After so many text books readings, assessments, exams, health issues and more... finally I get to work with real people and not mock-humans! And I'm abso-tootily loving every single minute of it!

+ My new desk, chair and printer = $50

Gotta love some Gumtree bargains and second hand shopping. What's more exciting is that I have a brand spankin' new BIG desk so I feel like a big kid now (complete with study books and papers all over it already!) The space. The drawers. Oh it's total heaven :)

+ Me time

To myself. Quiet reading under the doona. Journal writing and day dreaming. Stillness away from town. My yoga practice fits in here. This space grounds me, centres me, calms me and honestly, it keeps me sane. Without it I'm a total mess. Knowing this, honouring this, and putting me first is making leaps and bounds of differences.

+ Girlfriends

Who can't live without them seriously? And I am lucky to have such great girlfriends; of which my two amazing sisters are included. Chatting more, making the time, cafe lunches, sharing juices, laughing, even working together; whatever we do is good for me!

What's going on for you that's totally rocking your world right now? Share in the comments below.

Christie xx

Not getting our fabulous newsletter? Better sign up for it then! Do so here   : )

Jul 5, 2013

Sisterhood Health + Wellness -- Lisa Lionheart + Lemon Date Slice

Happy Friday to you; I have no doubt you're happy that the week is nearing the weekend! But before we get there I've got a super special chic here today - my gorgeous little sister. Once a blondie with long locks, you'll now see her with a short brown bob, but either way she's a superstar and here to share her thoughts on wellness, life, health and food. Without further adieu...

Lisa Lionheart  (aka Lisa Fischer) ~ Sydney, Australia ~ Musician-Singer-Songwriter ~ 25yrs young

Why do you do what you do? / Why did you start your blog and biz?

Foremost I’m a singer. Creating music has always been profoundly important in my life. It bridges the disparity between my human and spiritual experience by bringing me fully into the present moment; reminding me of my true self, if you will. My hope is that through my music I am able to assist others in doing the same.

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up, and the last thing you do before bed?

On a good day, I’ll get up and go for a run and meditate overlooking Sydney Harbour. I usually try to read before bed: At the moment I’m re-reading ‘The Power of Now’ by Eckhart Tolle. Mostly, I’m finding it increasingly important to simply feel into my body and be grateful that I’ve even woken up. The art of being!

How do you make sure you’re looking after YOU?

I can tell when I’m out of balance because even the smallest things annoy me. I revive best when I’m present and in nature. Usually some alone time, music and a bath, red wine, TLC, and outdoor exercise does the trick. But not all at once! It’s just about remembering to not take life too seriously.

Favourite place on earth and why?

Sunday morning breakfast at Public Dining Room on Sydney’s Balmoral Beach is pretty spectacular. Why? Poached eggs, coffee, a sea breeze, loving company and life whizzing by: What more could you need?

5 things you’re grateful for right now? 

+ My curiosity.
+ The human ability to question, investigate and learn.
+ Open mindedness.
+ Love.
+ People around me that are as prone to profound existential discourse as I am!

What’s your food philosophy?

Be conscious about your choices for health reasons but don’t deprive your body. It’s more important to enjoy a balanced life than worry about calories! Ice cream is non-negotiable.

You feel most yourself when…

I am present.

Who inspires you most?

I’m always inspired greatly by musicians who use their platform to spread love and raise consciousness. I suppose this is because it mirrors my own aspirations. The strength and compassion of those closest to me is also greatly inspiring.

Favourite quote?

Favourite? For a word lover that’s far too tricky, but recently Eckhart Tolle has provoked my thoughts:

“Death is a stripping away of all that is not you. The secret of life is to "die before you die" --- and find that there is no death.”

Recipe to share…

One from my childhood: Lemon & Date slice! – Reminds me of coming home from school to a yummy smelling house and delicious afternoon treats!

1 Cup Self raising flour
1/2 cup coconut sugar
1 cup coconut
1 cup chopped dates
2 t grated lemon rind
1 egg
125g melted butter

Lemon icing:
1 1/2 cups icing sugar
15g melted butter
2 T lemon Juice

+ Sift flour into bowl, add remaining ingredients, mix well. 
+ Spread into greased lamington tin (16cm x 26 cm but whatever size you want really - smaller will give thicker slices). 
+ Bake in moderate oven about 35 mins. Spread with Lemon icing while hot - cool in tin, Cut when cold. 

Lemon Icing: 
+ Sift icing sugar into bowl, stir in butter and enough lemon juice to give spreading consistency.

Lisa Lionheart is a Sydney based singer-songwriter. At the heart of her vision is a "Conscious Pop" movement that seeks to spread a greater message through mainstream music. Lisa is influenced by notable women of history and pop culture who use their strength, compassion, wisdom and words through art to make profound impacts on society.

Lisa can be found at these hot spots:
Buy EP on iTunes

Jul 3, 2013

6 months in... A 2013 Goals Recap

We've just passed the 6 month mark can you believe it?!? Ahh! It seems every year when we're an adult goes by so fast, but as a kid they go so slow. Why is that? Hmmm... food for thought.

Anyway, I wanted to share the goals I had for this year, to remind me of them, see if I'm on the right track, make changes, tick boxes, be held accountable, and so on. I'm not going to list them all but here's most of them.

My gorgeous goddess body goals:

+ Regular yoga practice
+ Dry body brushing daily
+ Continue healing until I feel my best ever
+ Let go and release my acne for good
+ Be grateful for what I have
+ Abs of steel, tight perky bum, sexy arms - not superficial right?

My Blog/Biz goals:

+ Have a new website up and running by December
+ Blogging weekly - I'm reaching you guys 3x weekly in fact!
+ 2 work shifts each week
+ Learn more (nutrition etc) through work
+ Do work experience to learn even more
+ Use myself as my own client and walk my talk
+ Believe I Am Enough

My creative goals:

+ Play around with web designs - I've played... but yet to decide
+ Do a vision board for 2013
+ Paint/draw/colour/dance more

Spiritual goals:

+ To meditate more than I am now (which was zilch)
+ Work with my chakras more and heal solar plexus issues
+ Read more metaphysical and personal development books

Family and Friends goals:

+ See mum 2-4 times this year - I've seen her twice!
+ See my younger sister 2-4 times this year - I've seen her twice!
+ See my big sis weekly - although Id like to make it a beautiful tea or chit chat more than just a quick hi and bye, so really I'm still working on this one
+ Meet new amazing gorgeous friends in Cairns - have I ever!
+ Get out and do more in Cairns to meet amazing people

Personal goals:

+ Heal my skin issues - I've made big leaps but not totally there yet
+ Practice self love
+ Don't sweat the small stuff - I'm way better at this one!
+ BREATHE - getting there
+ Laugh more

And of my list of ~72 Things To Do in 2013~, I have ticked off:

+ Visiting and healing in Asia with my man
+ Going to Darwin
+ Eating fresh durain
+ Riding my bike more
+ Make great new friends
+ Do nothing the first day of my period
+ Get a hair mineral analysis test
+ Hook me up some coaching sessions
+ Buy a sexy big black Nikon camera
+ Eat mammey sapotes
+ Practice self love
+ Live in amazing houses
+ Attitude of Gratitude
+ Get facials often - just begun this recently
+ Watch inspiring movies

How have your 6 months of 2013 been? Spectacular? A little less dazzling? Either way, it was perfect for you to learn and grow the way you are meant too. And there's still 6 months left of this beautiful year so anything you wanted to achieve, see, feel, touch, do, taste, hear or make can still be done.

So what are you waiting for?  

What else are you manifesting and heading for the rest of the year? Share in the comments below.

Christie x x

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Jul 1, 2013

10 Ways to Supercharge Your Immunity

So if you don't live up in the tropics like I do, it's likely you've had some pretty chilly days this Winter, and maybe even noticed those winter bugs floating about as you try your very best to duck under, weave behind, and jump over them. Your immunity is the thing you need to make sure is in tip top shape so these nasties don't find their way into your system, and I'm going to give you 10 (of the hundreds I could list) weapons to help you stay fighting fit this Winter.

Raw Honey Garlic Lemon Shots
1. Scrub up

Wash your hands! This is the biggest rule for keeping (seasonal) nasties outta your system. Simple. Easy. Huge impact.

2. Take a tea break

Not like we really need a reason to do so, but curling up with a cuppa green tea can help fight off infections and even rejuvenate your cells due to chemicals called alkylamines in the tea. Experiments found that blood exposed to these chemicals produced a defensive reaction against bacteria that was 5x stronger than blood that hadn't been exposed. I believe the simple act of taking 10minutes out of your day to sit quietly with a cup of tea is also a real calming and relaxing act of self love which will def help your immunity. Yay for green tea! Have superfood bliss ball with it and you're def onto a winner!

3. Add some spice to your life

And boost your immunity. Chilli, clove, cinnamon, cumin and nutmeg are antiviral and have been shown to prevent free radicals from occurring, reduce inflammation, and stimulate the immune system. Tumeric is also super amazing for inflammation. Add these to curries, home made salad dressings, your smoothies, crackers and dips, or just brew up a chai!

4. Hit the sack

Yes please! No one has to tell me twice to go to bed at night. And getting enough shut-eye is crucial if you want to avoid winter nasties. When we sleep, our immune system is essentially topping up it's fuel tank and we all know an empty tank will get you nowhere. Additionally, melatonin is released at night and this naturally occurring hormone encourages sleep but it also supports our immune system. German researchers found that people who are sleep deprived - even just for one hour - have half the amount of antibodies in their body than people who get a full night's sleep. Massive!

5. Get onto garlic

Jam packed with antioxidants, this stinky stuff is bad for vampires, great for humans. Super charged at eliminating free radicals, garlic also helps us avoid infections, bacteria and viruses. Eating it raw is best as tough as that sounds but that's where you'll get the most beneficial goodies. Dice up one clove and have it ready on a spoon; drink a little water, pop the garlic spoon in your mouth; drink a little more water, and swallow it all. Easy! You can add a little honey to coat it to mask the flavour a bit. Alternatively, add it raw to your finished meal instead of cooking it to begin with. Failing all this, grab a concentrated form from your local health food haven in a tablet or capsule.

6. Go herbal

Olive leaf extract = fix-er-uppa pronto! Not kidding. This stuff helps our immune system big time thanks to the active ingredient, oleuropein, which has a beneficial effect against disease producing micro-organisms through its effect on natural immunity. If you chug it back daily, it can help with (and reduce the risk of) upper respiratory tract infections, soothing a sore throat, relieving coughs and reducing nasal congestion.

7. Take a probiotic

In keeping your gut healthy, you're keeping your immune system healthy. Enough said.Fermented foods will also supercharge the good guys floating around in your gut, so enjoy saurekraut, kim chi, organic olives, picked veggies, kombucha and kefir.

8. Supplement your diet

If and when needed. Everyday forever and ever is unnecessary for most people, and a waste of money. This is something I only offer people when I speak to them directly and assess their diet and lifestyle. Having said that, anyone can walk into a health store a grab a multi these days. Be sure to ask for their best one. And please, give them a little info as to why you want it and they will be much better at helping choose the best one for you.

9. Move more

Hard to do when it's freezing cold I know (and why I now live in Cairns) but it's gotta be done. Exercise flushes bacteria out and away from the body through our lungs and through sweat. Doing so in fresh air makes it all the better, as in winter we tend to snug up inside more, breathing in warm, heater-air which may not be so healthy after a while. Get moving everyday even if it's just a short walk. You'll feel better trust me.

10. Act fast

If you do feel something niggly coming on, act pronto as winter colds and sniffles seem to appear slowly but then disappear slowly if we don't act quickly. Jump right onto more fresh fruit and veggies, plenty of water, increase your vitamin C intake; 1,000mg - 3,000mg daily is perfectly fine and beneficial. You could even get away with more if you had too as it's a water soluble vitamin, meaning your body does not store it so there's no risk of (stored) toxicity. Zinc and echinacea are also two biggies that have been shown to reduce symptoms and duration of winter nasties time and time again. If you're on a multi, take an additional zinc supplement. Echinacea can be bought as tablets, capsules, or liquid.

Any other tips that you've got and would like to share? Spread the word in the comments section below.

Christie x

This article is courtesy of Go Vita Australia
Go Vita Cairns can be found here