Jul 25, 2013

NOURISH: Coconut Cream Love Bites

So coconut oil, coconut flesh, coconut water, coconut flakes, coconut shreds, coconut milk, coconut fibre, and now we have creamed coconut. Yes I said it. It's thick. It's creamy. It's rich and has the most wonderful aroma. B and I nearly ate the whole tub with our spoons (not in one go just so you know) before we had to stop just so I could try this recipe I had going in my head. So here it is --

Coconut Cream Love Bites

Nuilife Creamed coconut (they are the only brand I know of that does it)
Loving Earth Buckinis (or any other crunchy, chewy, colourful addition you like)

+ Melt down creamed coconut over a double boiler, or in a metal bowl over a saucepan of hot water (do not melt it straight up in a pan or you will burn it just like I did)

+ Add your buckinis to whatever moulds you have - love hearts in my case but you might have small containers, ice cube trays, chocolate moulds, whatever goes here.

+ Then pour in your melted coconut and fill each mould.

Chill in the fridge or freezer and serve with your fav cuppa tea!

Christie xx 

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