
Sep 26, 2013

NOURISH: The Tastiest Carrot Cake Ever

Who doesn't love carrot cake? I'm yet to meet someone who doesn't, really. This has always been my favourite; even as a little girl I'd eat carrot cake over chocolate cake any day (unless of course there was banana cake around).

This recipe is better than the ones I had as a kid though - this is THE best recipe I have ever made and it's all thanks to the super amazing chef at the Paleo Cafe Cairns - yep, I managed to score a copy of the recipe off him.

Sep 24, 2013

5 Things You Must Do When You're Feeling Under the Weather

It's Spring. The sun is shining. The weather is sweet (ooh get ya groove on Bob Marley). Seasonal allergy's are flying high and people are doing their detoxes and cleanses. It's the second half of the year and (not wanting to sound like I'm wishing it away), Christmas is just around the corner. Argh!

I digress. I do that.

Sep 19, 2013

NOURISH: Spring Bean Salad Recipe

I'm not sure where about in this beautiful world of ours you are currently, but I can tell you that up in Cairns right now, it's getting hotter and hotter. Roast veggies aren't so appealing anymore, nor are any hot foods that require the oven on and in turn my whole house heating up. So, I'm turning to the cold stuff (and making broth after dark) to satisfy my grumbling belly and this here is the perfect antidote to a hot Spring day.

Sep 17, 2013


I'm seeing it more and more; adrenal fatigue and exhaustion issues. The reasons as to why are varied and extensive, and for the basics of helping heal and come out on the other side feeling amazing once more, have a read of my

I wanted to add to that list with a few of the goodies that are a little left of field when it comes to diet.

Sep 12, 2013

NOURISH: Nutty Maca Butter Brittle

This recipe is loosely based around Sarah Wilsons Almond Bark recipe, with additions from another recipe given to me last year. Add the two together and you've got this -- the most delicious snack ever!

This snack is high in protein and healthy fats, great for hormone health, balancing blood sugar, alleviating sweet cravings (without the sugar) and boosts mineral and nutrient content for optimum health.

Sep 10, 2013

Healing with Herbal Teas


Wanting to give a new herbal tea a try but not sure what to get? Taste, price and country of origin all come in for me when choosing a new brew, but what is more important is often the medicinal properties the herbs have.

Sep 5, 2013


Have you had ghee before? Heard of ghee before? It's used a lot in Indian and Ayruvedic cooking if not, and is the most incredible tasting thing ever!

Ghee (also known as clarified butter) is pure milk fat. It contains no lactose and no milk proteins, and for that reason it is generally well tolerated by most people, yes even those who show an allergy to other dairy products, and GAPS patients. For the same reason, ghee does not burn in your pan like butter can.

Sep 3, 2013

Are You Stuck in a Food Rut? Here's my tips to get out


It happens to the best of us. We start out with great intentions. We are food lovers at heart after all. We crave the healthier food more often, and are happy to give in the some choccie here and there. We get creative in the kitchen, Instagram incredible looking dishes, that taste even better.

What happens when that food spark dulls a little?