
Sep 12, 2013

NOURISH: Nutty Maca Butter Brittle

This recipe is loosely based around Sarah Wilsons Almond Bark recipe, with additions from another recipe given to me last year. Add the two together and you've got this -- the most delicious snack ever!

This snack is high in protein and healthy fats, great for hormone health, balancing blood sugar, alleviating sweet cravings (without the sugar) and boosts mineral and nutrient content for optimum health.

I've made this quite a few times so I've also modified the recipe to suit tastes and what you've got in your pantry.

1/3 cup coconut oil, melted to a liquid
1/4 cup natural chunky peanut butter
2 Tbsp vanilla pea protein powder
1 tsp maca powder
pinch of sea salt

Mix everything in a bowl, pour it into a container lined with baking paper, and leave it in the fridge until set.
Sprinkle dessicated coconut, salt flakes, cacao nibs, nuts or anything else you fancy ontop half way through the setting - too early and it will sink, too late and it will fall straight off.
Break it into chunks when you're ready for a snack and my-oh-my enjoy.

Swap peanut butter for almond nutter
Swap vanilla pea protein for natural carob pod protein, and add a drop of stevia

Peanuts: protein, arginine, good fats, niacin, vitamin E, stabilise blood sugar
Almonds: manganese, vitamin E, magnesium, calcium, protein, healthy fats
Maca: hormone balance, adaptogen, helps deal with stress, mineral rich
Coconut oil: hormone health, increases metabolism, immune health, antiviral, antifungal, boosts energy
Carob or Pea Protein powder: protein (obviously), non-dairy, non-inflammatory

So next time you're feeling something sweet yet fulfilling and nourishing on all levels, quickly throw this one together (I recommend doubling the recipe if you've got male fingers in the house who tend to gobble your goodies up in one go), and let your taste-buds do the talking.

Christie xx

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