
Nov 26, 2013


Sweet potato has got to be one of my favourite vegetables of all time. That and onion. Strange? Perhaps. But still, it's the one veg I cant live without. Every meal could be made better with sweet potato in my opinion. Roasts, brekkie pancakes, smoothies, fish and chips, casseroles, the list goes on. 

As I came home from a long day at work yesterday, I had sweet potato on my brain, and had to have these.

You will need:

Sweet potato
Coconut oil
Salt and pepper

Cut up your sweet potato into chip-lengths. My spud was huge so it had to be cut in half, half again, and then into strips. Pop them into a bowl, generously drizzle coconut oil over them, add salt and pepper, herbs if you like (Herbamare salt is divine on these), and toss them about until each chip is covered. Alternatively, thrown it all in a large zip lock bag and toss it around to coat.

Line a baking tray with baking paper, and spread your fires out so they've each got their own space to cook. At 200 C degrees, bake these for 20-30 minutes, take out and toss, then back in for 20-30 more minutes.

Sweet potato: vitamin A /potassium / manganese / fibre for healthy elimination
Coconut oil: supports thyroid / weight loss / immune health /fights infections / boosts metabolism
Sea salt: mineral rich / prevents muscle cramps / alkalising

How easy is that? So next time you feel like some chippies, please don't buy a supermarket brand full of more preservatives and sodium than potato... make your own!

PS. Next week is the week the XMAS GIVEAWAY starts... I've got ebooks, skin care, aromatherapy oils, coconut water, and so much more to GIVE to you! So make sure you come back to grab yourself an early Xmas pressie.

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