
Sep 24, 2014


I'm sure I've spoken it about this topic previously but it seems no more fitting than right now to bring it up again. And that is F L O W. And going in the same direction as it. Coz when you're on holidays it's either super easy to go with the flow, or you make life a living hell if you resist it. Yet when we are at home, why is it that it's harder to see that resistance to change it?

I love routine. Always have, and probably always will. Yet with a partner who thrives off spontanaeity I have had to learn to be a little more lax with things, which has been both challenging and very rewarding. When I travel though, I like to have a little bit of both. Which of course makes perfect sense -- book accommodation ahead of time to make sure you've got something peak season-ish, but leave wiggle room if a curve ball or newly-made friend's last minute invite comes your way.
Let me share my big case in point - not getting a blog post to you guys every week (without failure). I didn't bring my laptop with me (it's old and heavy) and decided not to buy a new one before the trip to use, as I'll get one when I land back in Oz. The other reason for not even getting an ipad was that we figured we'd likely spend too much time on it - and have learnt that in fact it would have saved us time by having it to use in the evenings at home, and not be running around to find an internet café or library when we could have been at the beach. Nevertheless those moments were rare.
But they have still had me stopping to talk myself into it being O-K that I miss a blog post day. It's not the end of the world right? You're not going to drop off my page if I miss it once or twice, and if you do, that's cool also. The same goes with food over here. Loosening up and going with the flow around what we can get, what's available, our budget and so on. We recently did a 10 day cleanse on liquids and since find we don't want solid food as much, and far less of it. Previously though, I had to have regular meals, and of particular things, being stuck in points of view around it all. So if we were hungry on our cleanse, we ate. We kept it to fruits, smoothies and avocadoes, but we still ate. And since, there have been times when we craved a clean green juice and other times we wanted a greasy home made quesadilla (oh my lord they were good!!), and we flowed with that.

So wherever this blog post is going, I'm flowing with it. No right. No wrong. It is what it is.
I'll be getting to the Tone It Up retreat THIS THURSDAY!!! and excitement is sooo far from an understatement I need a thesaurus to give you something better! This is the reason I flew over here in the first place and it's the final stop on our trip! Keep on Instagram over the weekend coz I'll be posting quick pics then be back out in the sun with 300 other females doing yoga, stand up paddle boarding, sand running, partying, dancing, wining and dining,and pretty much running amok! All  that, along with a round up of our Cali trip will be live in the next couple weeks as I settle back into Sydney for a few days (Ps Who's going to Dr Libby's event in Sydney October 1st?) before flying back home to Cairns and boy have I got a line up of things happening up there in October!
Ok that's enough about me for now... Thanks for being here again... Until next time...

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