
Nov 27, 2014


If you know me personally, you'll also know that I'm a very share-y person when I find something I love! Whether it's a new cafe, a food product, a cleanse protocol, a free ebook or a scented candle! If I find something I love soooo much, everyone around me will know about it. And this is one of those share-y things.

Here's the scoop >>

Leonie Dawson is a freakin amazing entrepreneur with an Academy I have been following and been a part of for over 4 years now I think. It has been her work that helped me create and launch my first ebook, change website templates, believe I could write a blog that people enjoyed reading, and help me understand how to start earning money from doing what I love. Yet she teaches it all in a way that totally resonates with moi - it's colourful, fun, exciting, enjoyable, and pretty far from feeling like the black-and-white-business-work-education I find so boring I never implement.

And it's her annual workbooks that I want to share with you coz they are the bomb-diggity!

There's one for your Biz and one for your Life outside of your biz, but this year there is also a combined edition, AND you can order it printed and bound AND get a bonus wall planer!! I can't tell you how excited I am for that!

The 2015 Create Your Shining Year workbook & calendar is an incredibly popular & useful tool to help you plan out & make happen your most incredible year in life or busines (or both!). Over the last six years, thousands of women have used this workbook with the most amazing results, and I reckon it’s the best planning tool I've found to help you (and me) make this coming year the most exceptional yet!

Used by entrepreneurs, artists, mamas, creatives, coaches, teachers and women of all ages, the Create Your Shining Year in Life and Biz workbooks are filled with dozens of pages of powerful worksheets & a printable calendar to help you create your amazing new year. Part reflection, part action, with a little nurture space, and a gentle implementation nudge when you need it, this is my go-to that I really like to check in with each month to see how things are going, remind me of my goals, change if I feel too, and so on.

Click over here to check out all the pretty insider pics, get the full rundown of what's inside, and see what other people have to say about them!

In full disclosure, yes this blog post has an affiliate link in it, but I only share things that I buy myself and then love so much, that I sign up to be an affiliate. Either way I would be singing praises of these workbooks from the rooftops, so if I can do so with a little extra cash as a thank you, I personally feel it's the best ever! Why not share the love right?

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