
Dec 18, 2014


Short and sweet. Easy. Totally do-able. Coz we wouldn't want it any other way. So here they are...

1. Laugh

Everything seems lighter and brighter when we laugh. It softens the mood. It connects us with those around us. It allows our stress levels to come back down. And it gives us a good ab workout (great news after a load of fresh seafood right?).

2. Enjoy the sunshine each day

Is this not the main reason we all crave / count down the days till / don't want to see the end of SUMMER!! It's in our DNA. We're humans and we are meant to spend time in the sun. Of course I'm not sitting here allowing you to go sun bake for hours with no protection, but some time in the sunshine everyday is necessary. Especially as our vitamin D rates in Australia are dwindling after the whole 80s and 90s Slip Slop Slap fear mongering campaign. Let's not go there.
Most times we are out in the sun we are also either out exercising, moving our body, getting in the sea water, or doing something else that has compounding beneficial and positive effects on our body. Double for the Win!

3. Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

First world problems right ~ the Christmas salad is missing cranberries!! The supermarket is out of mayonnaise!! Uncle Bill is cracking crude jokes as he's had one too many!! We forgot the ice!!
In moments like this that might push your buttons and test your patience, BREATHE. Laugh it off. Shake it off. Make do. You're in the same room as your loved ones anyway, and really, that's why we get together isn't it? 


Voila! I told you they would be short and sweet and one's you'd love!

And with that I will bid you adieu! I'm going to take a blog break over Christmas and New Year and be back here with you January 6th.

I will still be sending out my weekly newsletter so if you aren't already getting that divine piece of literacy each Friday, you can make sure you do by clicking ---> Here!

And remember that my 31 Day New Year New You month long daily tips, tricks, recipes, motivation, lifestyle changes and MORE will be hitting your inbox January 1st if you have put your name down to be getting those emails. Reminder that if you are already on my mailing list getting my newsletter, you will NOT automatically get the #31DayNYNU emails so jump over --> here!! <-- to make sure you will!

Have a very Merry Christmas my gorgeous peeps. And a safe and joyous New Year.
I'm off to the Sunshine Coast on Saturday so to keep up with everything I'm doing, eating and drinking, follow me on Instagram. And you'll also find out plenty more in my weekly newsletter.

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