
Mar 8, 2016


This is a favourite of mine for a few reasons:

~ The simplicity of it. 5 ingredients. Perhaps 1 or 2 additions. But essentially, 5 ingredients and you're good to go.

~ The 'mouth feel'. I use this term when there is an epic combination of flavour, texture and temperature for me... and a thick, creamy, cold bowl like this is spot on (it's still freaking hot in the tropics at the moment)!

~ And... I could say thirdly that it's full of amazing healthy fats and ingredients our body will love and use as fuel (which it is)... but really... food is way more about making us (and our taste buds) feeel good, over the nutritional content am I right? ;)

So let's cut straight to it then.

Serves 2

1 cup frozen avocado (or 1 whole fresh avocado)
1 frozen banana
3/4 - 1 cup coconut milk
2 Tbsp cacao powder
1 tsp local honey or maple syrup
1 cup ice cubes

Optional additions I had this morning:
2 Tbsp colostrum
2 tsp L-Glutamine
1/2 tsp probiotic powder

* Blend in an awesome blender (or expect chunky bits)
* Serve as a smoothie, or as a bowl topped with your favourite granola, fruits, coconut, etc

And before we're done here together, if you are thinking "there's quite a bit of fat in that smoothie" then please check out this post here (even though it's related to fats in coffee, the same points remain), and this one with a little info on fats too thanks to Pete Evans last year, and this one specifically on ghee and why it is so incredible for our health.

1 comment:

  1. Yum! This sounds so decadent, I've never tried freezing avocado before!
