
Jan 8, 2017


I really wanted to do a post giving thanks and sharing heart felt gratitude for all the amazing things that happened in my life during 2016. For my own recollection and selfish feel-good-vibes that curse through my veins when I do so, but also to send a ripple effect to everyone who had a rough year, to show that there still is magic in the world when we feel as though it may have gone.

~ Giving thanks and gratitude to all that happened in 2016 ~

I've been seeing plenty of rants across the interwebs about how bad 2016 has been and how keen everybody is to have it over and done with... which I have found quite interesting to witness as I had a great 2016. No year (day or week) is ever going to be non-stop peaches and cream, roses and fairy dust. Some people hate peaches! The way we react, respond and process what happens is up to us as individuals. And some people are better at doing so than others. I do not discredit the global atrocities that have occurred, but collectively as humans we are all still learning. Each and everyday. And we still need to be grateful for each and everyday. I'll be the first to put up my hand and admit I find it challenging on some days, but for now I am going to focus on the bliss of 2016. The gratitude. The abundance. And sign off 2016 with a bang and be just as joyous with open arms about the beginning of 2017.

So without further adieu, all the things I am grateful for from 2016.

// 4 months international travel to my favourite parts of the globe
B and I made the decision, had last minute business retreat fall through, but never once thought of cancelling our trip. We book flights at the last minute waiting for funds to come through, so it didn't feel real until a week before we set off even! First 2 months were spent in CALIFORNIA!! Every. Single. Day. there was serendipidous! I'm still shaking my head just thinking about it! The food (omg!), the incredible people we met and now call friends, our favourite health shop on the entire planet, online friends met in person, bike riding, road tripping, magic carpets rides... Cali is very close to our hearts.
And then for the next 2 months we headed to Europe! Finally I made it back after 8 years! And I got to show B my favourite country of all that he was yet to get too himself - Italy! We also did France, Switzerland, Croatia and Slovenia. Culture, new found familia, Mediterranean ocean to die for, weeks by the crystal clear beaches, road tripping though mountains, incredible coffee... And to top it off, I fell pregnant!

// Falling pregnant!
In Italy (YAY - unknowingly though) and finding out when we hit home turf at the 6 week mark. It was a little bit of a shock but by then, I said to B I would be very surprised if I wasn't pregnant given the signs and symptoms I was having. Having a child is something I have dreamed of ever since I was a little girl and the excitement is huge, but when it's really, truly, rulely happening to you, it does feel a tad surreal. B and I have decided not to find out what we are having (although we both have an inkling it's a boy). I'll be posting more about my journey through pregnancy from now on as well.

// Getting engaged
Having been with my love for over 7yrs, there were always jokes and I knew I was not to ask him to marry me (just as P!nk asked Carey Hart) so I had to wait! The proposal was perfect. In the back of (our) the best road tripping van ever, waking up in the middle of a valley in the Daintree Rainforest with no-one around, the sun was rising, and we were snuggled in our sleeping bags with the freshest air floating about amongst the midst (you can see the photo in the collage above). Something else that took me very much by surprise in 2016, but something I will remember and cherish forever.

// Having the best job ever (so far)
I finished a 5 year stint at Go Vita Cairns working alongside one of the most epic human beings I have been blessed to know in this lifetime - who ended up being my best friend! I also help set up the brand new Cherries Health and Wellness store with my bestie on my return from 4 months abroad (which I couldn't wait for), and designing the initial menu for the first ever Elixir Bar in Cairns. Moments cherished forever (If you're ever in Cairns, make sure to get to Cherries).

// Getting to see all of my family in Sydney over Christmas
Which hasn't happened to such an extent for a few years, and did mean a good solid 3 days of lunches and breakfasts and pressie swapping, but it was all worth it!

// Starting a new life down on the Sunshine Coast
Well, only just. We landed there for a week, packed to head to Sydney for Xmas and New Years and only just got back here. We're staying at mums place which is being renovated and next week we will have our own granny flat to stay in whilst we find the perfect place for us to create as our home for the next year or two. And I couldn't be more excited than to be down here by the (clear ocean) beach and nearer to family.

~ Heading into 2017 ~

I always start my year diving intoLeonie Dawson's Life and Biz Workbooks. I have used them for too many years I can remember and my mum and sisters and best friend do as well that they have turned into a verb themselves - "I'm doing Leonie".
These get me clear on what I would like to create, what I would love more of, less of. There are monthly check points to re-assess (with your bestie over a cuppa at your fav cafe is what I like to do) and keep you on track and brilliant colourful illustrations and insights throughout.

So if you're looking for something that sounds just like this, take a look, and order today! I mean that - they have been on sale for a while now and they always sell out!

>> Grab a copy or a bundle here. And in transparency, yes this is an affiliate link.

// Mung Bean Bowen coming May 2017
Without poo-pooing away my life as an individual adult and getting deep into what it is I want to create this year, I cant help but think my entire 2017 is solely going to be about raising our first child. And I'm 90% ok with that. As for the other 10%...

// Being open to what opportunities arise
Many people have asked what I am going to do down on the coast for work, and I have told every one of them the same thing - I would love to do work for an inspiring local company in either health foods, organic skincare or something pregnancy + baby related (be it nutrition work, admin work, graphic design work, blogging work, who knows) a few days a week from the comfort of my own home. And also have the opportunity to meet with other gorgeous souls in the business once a week or once a fortnight at an epic local cafe to connect in person. These hours may be more now and teeter off as mung bean approaches, but either way I can work from home on hours that suit me around having a new born.... any referrals or ties, feel free to drop my name ;)

// And enjoy all the little things
So often I create myself a rather grandious vision and plan for the year but this year I've decided against it. Instead of bigger things like wanting to tick off visit New Zealand, get to Bulletproof Conference in the USA, or the like, I've written down things like drink tea at the tea shop around the corner, watch more sunrises, lie in hammocks, swim in the ocean. And instantly it felt blissful doing so. So around a new born and the rest being a mystery... I'm very much looking forward to enjoying the simplicities of life, and (trying my best to) not sweat the small stuff!

What about you? What are your visions, goals, dreams, intentions, plans or just things you would love to experience in 2017? Putting pen to paper on this one has very powerful effects and I highly suggest you take some time for yourself to do so. It need not be tricky or challenging or perfect - the back on a napkin will do ;) And if you feel called, please share below. I would love to hear them :)

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