
Mar 29, 2017


If you missed the Pete Evans interview on Channel Seven's Sunday program you can watch the replay by clicking on that turquoise text just there.
And I highly recommend you do if you're a regular reader of my blog.
I would LOVE to hear others thoughts on this...

In an exclusive interview with Sunday Night, the My Kitchen Rules judge defended his paleo lifestyle and clarified his controversial claims about sunscreen, dairy and breast milk, which he says have been taken out of context.

Mar 23, 2017


The inspiration for these came this morning as I pondered what my weekend has in store - I'm headed to the Gold Coast with my sisters and my mum for Belinda Davidson's 3-day Shadow Workshop and was thinking about eating out all weekend, or pre-paring a few things and taking a lot of food with me... This is how my brain works. Always thinking about food.

And not just main meals but snacks as well - this pregnant girl needs her snacks. So what could I make that would last, be satisfying, and of course delicious? MUFFINS! I love a good muffin and haven't made any in ages! An almond meal base, eggs, banana, and whatever else added in is a sure fire way to keep your tummy from rumbling and your tastebuds singing.

I was going to whip up my almond blueberry muffins, but when the idea of chocolate entered my thoughts, well, let's say most people have a hard time denying chocolate thoughts... 

Mar 8, 2017


Pregnancy is a wonderful thing to experience. I'm making and creating and growing a baby! Holy shit! How incredible is that? And I am so grateful for the opportunity as I know not every woman has the chance to experience it. However... there are some things about being pregnant that, until you fall pregnant, you might not know about. Little niggly things that you're not used too and the usual remedies are not always safe in pregnancy, making it all the trickier to treat.

Now "common nuances" are common, but not a given. I never got nausea or morning sickness for example. Neverthless, here we go. A few of the common pain-in-the-bum-but-not-life-threatening-niggly-issues of being pregnant.