
Apr 8, 2018


Since using doTERRA essential oils, as I'm in love with these little gems, naturally (like anything we are interested in) our knowledge of them grows as we want to learn more about them. So it may roll of my tongue when I tell someone all the things I could use Lavender oil for (as an example) but for a newbie (as I once was) it can seem overwhelming trying to remember it all.

So I thought, instead of just listing what you can use particular oils for, I've gone one step further to tell you HOW as well. Think of this as your go-to reference. Print it off even. Whatever gets you USING your oils instead of having them sit there, is what I am here to help you with.

LEMON ~ Think Cleansing. Detoxifying. Uplifting.
  • Purifies the air, detoxes the body, uplifts moods
  • Add 1-2 drops in warm water to drink every morning
  • Add a few drops in a bliss ball recipemacadamia lemon fudge or coconut lemon (or lime) gummies
  • DIY home cleaning - use to wipe benches 
  • High in D-Limonene, which helps to make Glutathione in your cells (your master antioxidant) which supports reducing inflammation

PEPPERMINT ~ Think Focus. Cooling. Digestion.
  • Add to a diffuser (with Wild Orange) for focus + concentration 
  • Add a drop to warm water as mint tea (great for bloating, gas, etc) 
  • Apply 1-2 drops on the back of the neck for headaches (great with lavender for this) 
  • Add to chocolate recipes, bliss balls, mint slice, etc 
  • Put a drop under the tongue to assist the body with motion sickness or nausea (or simply sniff it) - also great breath freshener

LAVENDER ~ Think Calming. Sleep. Skin. (+ All-Rounder #1)
  • Mums LOVE this! It's a sedative! And calms the adrenals!
  • Add to a diffuser before bed for restful sleep or add a few drops to your pillow
  • Add to bathwater with epsom salts before bed 
  • Use for head pains (with peppermint) on back of the neck and temples (not too close to your eyes though!)
  • Great anti-aging skin oil - I add this with Frankincense to filtered water in a spray bottle as my skin toner (before using Salubelle as my moisturiser)
  • Use topically for mozzie bites, cuts, scrapes, bruises (def a first aid oil for these reasons)

FRANKINCENSE ~ Think Anti-Aging. Anti-Inflammation. (+ All-Rounder #2)
  • God In A Bottle! When in doubt, use Franki!
  • Diffuse for brain function, improved memory, stress relief or during your meditation practice ~ it's a very spiritual & Holy oil helping us heal from past hurts
  • Apply topically for assisting the body in healing cuts, bruises, scars
  • Apply to fine lines, wrinkles, stretch marks (or use in DIY skin care products)
  • Helps inflammation (as Franki is Boswelia extract which you can buy in capsules for inflammation) 
  • Add one drop to the crown of your head daily
  • Great in assisting recovery after operations

OREGANO ~ Think Big Guns Immune Support. Powerful. Hot oil.
  • Dilute and apply topically under the feet for immune boosting + function
  • Add a toothpick-worth (ie. less than a drop) to your savoury meals for flavour (and immune boosting!
  • Use topically for warts and skin tags (cover surrounding skin first with fractionated coconut oil or similar to protect it)
  • Can be taken internally for parasite cleansing. Only take internally under professional guidance - in my opinion

TEA TREE / MELALEUCA ~ Think First Aid. Skin. Anti-fungal.
  • Skin soothing for acne, psoriasis, spots, etc (add a drop to your facial cleanser/toner/moisturiser or apply as is)
  • Useful against athletes foot, candidiasis, cold sores, chickenpox, head lice, and for mozzie protection 
  • Anti-septic type oil so use for any impending infections
  • Protects against environmental and seasonal threats
  • FYI: Grown in Australia. How cool.

EASY AIR ~ Think Respiratory Support. Calming. Non-toxic Vicks V-Rub.
  • Opens airways for better breathing - great for asthmatics
  • Perfect for chest congestion and cold and flu season (dilute with a carrier oil for chest rub)
  • Diffuse before bed (with lavender) for great sleep and calming down the kids (and you too)
  • Inhale for clarity and clearing sinuses

ON GUARD ~ Think Protective. Immune Support. Nixing Germs.
  • Preventative medication - diffuse daily before cold + flu season; add 1 drop to a glass and top with water as a throat gargle
  • Make a DIY hand sanitiser and apply to the kids hands before and after school (or dilute oil under their feet)
  • Suck on DoTERRA's On Guard throat lozenges
  • Swallow On Guard beadlets and capsules for internal use
  • A MUST for travel especially on airplanes
  • DoTERRA add OnGuard to their home products including: toothpaste, hand wash, cleaner concentrate, and laundry liquid
  • Great for DIY cleaning and for cleaning and preventing MOULD

DEEP BLUE ~ Think Muscle Rub. Tiger Balm. Sports massage.
  • Use topically to ease muscular and joint pain, muscle fatigue and tiredness and inflammation
  • Apply before and after exercise and before bed (a personal favourite ritual of mine)
  • Provides relief to a sore back from breastfeeding, a sore neck from side-boob feeding in bed too!

DIGESTZEN ~ Think Digestion (go figure)
  • Apply diluted and topically to the belly to help ease bloating, nausea, heartburn, constipation and digestive discomfort (great in your handbag when going out for dinner)
  • Use for travel sickness and gastro
  • Also great for general digestive support and breaking down foods
  • Add a drop in a mug and fill with warm water for the big guns digestive assistance
  • Use diluted for a tummy massage in babies and children upset from wind or digestive discomfort

IF IN DOUBT with what oil to use for what, pick LAVENDER and/or FRANKINCENSE! These are always beneficial!

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